Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • General
  • Design
  • Pricing
  • Support
How long does it take to setup the new website so that we can begin using the service?
Your site can be designed and given to you to begin adding content in as little as 2 weeks, sometimes sooner depending on your availability to provide design details.
Will there be any downtime when we switch to your service?
No. If you have an existing website, the transition will be seamless. Since we have been building your new site for weeks, when it is time to turn the new site live, it just takes a single setting and people browsing the web will be able to see your new site.
Can we use our same domain name?
Yes. When you register a domain name, you own it. So this means that all you have to do is point the domain name to our service so that your new website will come up when someone types your web address in.
We agree that this does look like a good idea for our organization, but why don’t we wait a few more months and see how things are going before committing ourselves to this service?
What’s going to change between January and May or July to December? The sooner your organization begins using your website as a marketing tool the better. Does your website accurately reflect what your organization is all about?
Maybe it makes sense to other organizations but ours is different. We have a lot of older people who don’t use the internet.
Guess what? They DO use the internet. And if you truly do have a lot of older members, how are you ever going to attract the younger families in the area? True story: I volunteered to help with my organization's capital campaign and was at the first planning meeting when I was blown away as one by one, the “older” crowd was saying “Did you Google yourself?” - “Did you know the cruise I am taking is all online?” - “I now have all my bills set up online.” The parishioners in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s are some of the biggest internet users.
Why should we consider Connecting Members?
Because we exist to serve small organizations, churches and schools. If there is something that you are looking for that we do not offer, let us know. We want to hear from you. If cost is your concern, our cost is nominal compared to the “market”. If quality is your concern, please review our customer comments or call our references. If expertise is your concern, our staff has over 40 years of combined technology experience.
Do I need to be a technical person or know graphic design?
No. If you can send an email and browse Facebook, you have the skills necessary to manage the website.
Can I have a multiple websites that look the same?
Of course. Since you are the one choosing the design elements, simply give our team the same details.
Can I track visitors on the website?
Yes, it's very easy to integrate Google Analytics to your website. Google Analytics is FREE and is the industry standard for web analytics software.
What if we have a volunteer who already manages our website?
We are often called a “volunteer’s best friend.” Prior to a service like ours, the web volunteer was most likely on their own with holding everything together. Now they have help. We are not looking to eliminate them. We are looking to make their lives easier. Think of it this way: Your webmaster now has a support team to help him/her carry out their task. You can also now take advantage of having non-technical volunteers work on the site.
Is there a limit to the number of pages we can have on our website?
No. When your site is launched, you can create an UNLIMITTED number of pages on the site. Our goal is to train your staff so that you are not dependent on anyone to create a new pages.
What hours are you open?
Our sales and support are available Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm CST. In addition, there is an emergency after hour system for reaching our support department.
Why can’t we just do this ourselves?
You probably can have a website built by a volunteer or a traditional design firm and host it yourself. This might solve your problem in the short term, but the real question is can you “build and maintain” a website that can stand the “test of time”. The reality is that churches face unique challenges including the changing of the guard with projects. You need a system that is prepared to keep the ship afloat while things are in transition.
Who creates the design?
Connecting Members creates the design? We do the heavy lifting. You complete a worksheet with your color, layout, selected images and content and we make it look great. Then send back to you for approval.
Are your designs "cookie cutter"?
No. The designs are intended to bring together 80% of the most common choices and display them in a way that saves you both time and money. Next, you add your touch with colors, layouts, likes, dislikes and take the site across the finish line. The end result is a custom site that you designed that's affordable for your organization.
What can I customize in my design?
Just about anything. Home page layout, color schemes, logo area, photos, and items on home page can all be customized. You also get to modify the text style sheet which lays out the font and standardized look of the text styles.
Can I change the page names on my design?
Yes. We give you a few of the common pages to start with and then you can create as many pages as you wish and modify others.
Can I rearrange content on the home page?
Yes. All modules are drag and drop which means you can easily change the layout. Our designers will help you modify the original home page layout during the site building process.
Do I need to install any software to use your service?
No. You simply login to your website to update and make changes.
Can we redesign the website after it goes live?
The answer is yes and no. Yes, you can rearrange content, add new pages, modify content and modify just about any of the items on each page. In terms of completely changing the feel of the design we offer a theme redesign service for $500.
Does the monthly price include hosting?
Yes, the only thing you need is a "domain name".
Does the monthly price include support?
Yes, your service includes our online help desk and phone support Monday - Friday 8am to 5pm CST. Our online helpdesk is also monitored in the evening and weekends for emergencies.
What happens if we exceed our storage?
Additonal storage costs $5 per month for each additioinal GB.
Do I begin paying for my services immediately?
Yes, service starts when you order, not when you decide to turn the site live to the public. The building phase of the process uses server resources, help desk support and bandwidth as well.
Are there any long term contracts?
No, choose the payment plan that works best for you. A 30 day notice is required to cancel your account.
Is there any training provided?
Yes, before each site is handed over to you there is a one-on-one web based training that typically lasts about an hour. Our staff will review the most important items, show you how to access the help desk tutorials and submit a help desk request. We are also available by phone adn can login to your website at any time to resolve an issue you may be having.
What are your support hours?
Our support is available Monday - Friday from 8am to 5pm CST. In addition for emergency issues, support is available evening and weekends by opening a trouble ticket.
Is there a limit to the amount of support calls or help desk tickets?
No. We encourage you to use the help desk system so that each support requst can be tracked accurately. This also give you the opportunity to look back on previous tickets in case you forgot how to do something.
How do we access support?
Our support tools are built directly into every website. This means that from any page on your website, you can search for solutions or open a trouble ticket. You can also call our office during normal business hours.
Do you have documentation or a support manual?
Yes, There is a complete library of help articles in our Help Desk Library.